The Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act stipulates that by 11 December 2025, all public buildings must be accessible to everyone, including people with physical and sensory disabilities. Public facilities are those whose use is open to all on equal terms. However, there is no precise information on how many of these facilities are currently inaccessible to people with disabilities. The Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) points out that owners, managers and planners of public buildings often have a poor understanding of the legislation on universal access. In addition, the standards that define accessibility are chargeable, which makes them difficult to apply.
A review of the facilities shows that many buildings do not have adequate adaptations such as ramps, enclosed parking spaces and toilets. Although some buildings offer access to the ground floor, access to higher floors is often not possible.
Due to the lack of accurate data on the current accessibility of facilities and limited knowledge of the legislation, we believe that not all necessary adjustments will be made by the deadline. This could have a negative impact on the level of access to public services and facilities for people with disabilities.