Universal physical accessibility of grocery shops

Universal physical accessibility of grocery shops

Brina Meze Petrić

Zakonodaja, priporočila in smernice


Making shops accessible to people with disabilities is key to their equal inclusion in society. In some countries, the establishment of accessible online ordering and home delivery of grocery products has been mentioned as an alternative to store redesign. This type of service undoubtedly gives people with disabilities greater independence in their daily lives, but it deprives them of the opportunity to socialise, socialise and meet. That is why we at the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia consider it very important to discuss how a shop should be arranged in a way that allows all people with disabilities to visit and buy at least basic groceries.

Unfortunately, there is no mention in Slovenian legislation on how to properly regulate the physical accessibility of the specific spaces and elements that make up grocery stores, despite the fact that the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act (EODA) requires them to be universally accessible by the end of 2025.

Thus, the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, in cooperation with students with disabilities, has been focusing more intensively on this topic in recent months. We have looked at current foreign legislation and guidelines that already dictate such arrangements for grocery stores and researched how they work in practice. Based on our expertise and the accessibility assessments we have carried out on public buildings, we have developed basic recommendations for the appropriate provision of accessible shops.


«February 2025»
Designing Accessible Restrooms

Designing Accessible Restrooms

Accessible restrooms are essential for the independence and safety of wheelchair users. It is crucial to provide sufficient maneuvering space, correctly installed equipment such as grab bars, sinks, and emergency alarms, and easily reachable features like switches, hooks, and waste bins. Common mistakes include improper equipment heights and unsuitable solutions that hinder usability. Properly adapted restrooms ensure equal accessibility and dignity for all users.

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Vseslovenska akcija ozaveščanja o socialnem vključevanju invalidov

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Upcoming events

  • A life not so different (1/21/2025 - 2/11/2025)
    A life not so different

    A life not so different

    You are cordially invited to the Ljubljana City Hall, where the travelling photography exhibition "A Different Life" will be on display for the first time between 21 January and 11 February.Through the lens of the renowned photographer Primož Lavret, the exhibition presents the stories of 25 people with various forms of disabilities who are successful in sport, work and other activities. The exhibition is part of the project "A nationwide awareness-raising campaign on the inclusion of people with disabilities", which is led by the National Council of Disabled People's Organisations of Slovenia (NDPO Slovenia) and partnered by the Urban Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) and other contractors.


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